The lover seemed to have been replaced
I have this situation, I am married, my lover is married, the relationship lasts 5 months, everything was fine, but lately, my lover began to hint that he was getting very used to me, that he was strongly attached, that he thinks a lot about us, about me, that he feels that this is negatively reflected on his family and children, at work - you see, he can't really work because of me - then our calls, then SMS, then meetings.

He"feels bad about it."Ialsoconfessed to him that I miss him verymuch, I thinkabouthim a lot,and in generalI feel badwithouthim,butI don'tfeelanythingnegative about it.I'mhappy with everything.Aftertheseconfessions of ours,it was as if he had been replaced,wehavenotseen each other for a week,although we call up regularly,butsomekind of irritable,stoppedsayingaffectionatewords, at most"kiss".Alwaysbusy, he said he wassickand didn'tcall,justtexted,that he went on a business trip,and didn'tcallagain,justtexted.Andnow he toldmenot to fill my head with nonsenseand to liveinasimpler way,that I complicateeverythingmyself.Andeventoday,Irealizedthatwe have nothingtotalk about andI do notknowhow to behavewithhim, I am afraid of him, I am afraid of hisreactiontosome of mywords,tomybehavior.He'schanged!How should I interpretallthis? I don'twant to quarrelwithhimandbreak up,becauseeverything was sogoodbeforethisconversation.Maybehejust has sometemporaryproblems,difficulties,I should wait out thismoment,bethesamekindandaffectionate,orthis is the end of ourrelationship,pretendthatthere are nofeelings,bringitallto a breakup, go through-cryand that's it.

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I think I haven't cut it off yet. Yes, there really is no danger to his marriage. But about feelings, he was the first to start this conversation, he was the first to admit that he misses me, that he is very attached to me. I feel the same way, so I reciprocated him. I think it would be worse if I froze off.