She kicked her husband out!!!!!He calmly left and doesn't even call...I am very sorry
I regret that emotions have done their job, although I understand with my mind that nothing works for us, everything has been abnormal in our relationship for a long time. Before that, we had a big fight, I didn't talk to him for a week, one day I didn't come home to spend the night, worked late, and then allegedly went to the country with a friend, although I asked him to stay at home, the next day after work he came, well, I took it and told him to leave

(withoutshouting) I got up,packed my things, and left...I don'tknowwhat to do, I don'twant to callmyself,ask,offer to solveproblemsin a relationshipanymore, there was a similarsituation(without my husbandleaving), the initiative to make peacewasalwaysonmypart,probablyhishurtegoandpride would notlet him dosomethingfirst. I can'tdescribeall the problems at once for a long time,and my thoughts get confused,maybe it will work out in the process.It's been 4days now...I thinkif I loved, I would probablydosomething, he knowsthatI feel badandI'm veryworried, I can'tcalmmyself down,snot,tears,drool....

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The husband should be kicked out only if you REALLY want him to leave.

Are you playing too much? Now enjoy the solitude, he will not return, because he understands that he will no longer have such a second chance (to be not a throwing scoundrel, but a kicked out victim).