I got married 3 weeks ago and flew away with my new husband on a honeymoon. Now at work, two colleagues are constantly glaring at me and running around gossiping about me - I passed by the room where we were having lunch, heard about myself that I was already knocked up, and forced a man to get married...The fact is that when my husband and I started preparing for the wedding and saving up
We didn'ttellanyoneexcept our parents the money for thetrip,because we wanted to flyonvacationimmediatelyafterregistration,withoutarrangingbanquets,especially since I didn'ttellalmostanyoneatwork.Andoneof my colleagues went around allthistimeandtold me that she was going to get married.Italllastedmore than six months,butshenever gets married.Notevenclose.Andnow,apparently,she's angrythatI got marriedbeforeher,althoughwhatdifference does it make?.. Howtonegateallthesedirtygossip?Andanyway,what did Ido to them?Aftermyreturn, thesetwocolleagueshaveneverlooked into myeyesyet, they hide their gazeand look askance, do notgreetandgossip.Ihadn'ttalked to them much before,butIdidn't really carewhat was going on in theirlives.
1 comment
"I care when people say nasty things about me. They are spreading it all outside their close company, setting up the team against me. And I just don't have the desire, like them, to shake all my underwear in front of everyone, I don't want to tell you how the registration went, how the trip went, how they prepared. And they love to discuss everything, they can chat for months about flying somewhere on vacation, and then not flying anywhere. She has been choosing her hairstyle and nail design for her wedding for six months now, and her roommate does not even think about preparing for this wedding. And he talks about me all the time, every now and then I hear either my name or something about my life.
Other girls said that they tried to find out some details during my vacation."