I don't like my husband. I didn't get married for love. But I respected him very much; I saw that he was calm, confident, kind and outwardly handsome. I thought it was enough to be loved, and I could love back later.
Before that, a former MC got married half a year ago, and she took the news hard. I walked around in a fog for three months, half a year of emptiness. I knew my husband for a long time, but I didn't think about him seriously. He was very active.
Before that, a former MC got married half a year ago, and she took the news hard. I walked around in a fog for three months, half a year of emptiness. I knew my husband for a long time, but I didn't think about him seriously. He was very active.
I thoughtthat I would notloveanyoneanymore, it doesn't matterwho I marry, the main thing is a goodperson, etc.But it turns out that I don't.Myhusband and I turned out to be verydifferentineverything:inlove, in bed, in money, in raising a child, in our attitudetounderstandingreligion.Thisdisliketurnsintohatred.One of hisbigadvantages:he is a gooddad.Arethere any ofuswiththesamesituationthatI have?How do you livewith the unloved? Is it not a pity to give away youryouth?
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He doesn't like watching movies, listening to music, or even reading books. He reproaches me for idleness, finding me reading. But he was interested in religion. There are no points of contact at all. It was a mistake to believe that a good person, but not a native soul, will become loved) having a common child just like that will not break, but also to live a life of violence against oneself.