And how could I even love him?
It was. I fell in love at 16. Meeting, the first man, he was the most beautiful man in the world... Threw. I let down the brakes. I cried and got hurt. 2 years later, I accidentally met him.... God! Where were my eyes? Love is nothing at all, it's a drug. When you fall in love, you think it's forever and you love even the flaws in your soulmate. And then gradually, or you realize that you have stopped loving. And how does it seem to you when you can soberly look at actions, the pros and cons?

Then I datedamarriedman for 5years. I've alwaysunderstoodthat I'm nothandsomeandnotthesmartest person in theworld.Butnowwe're nottogether, we're justfriends. We call each other, congratulateeach other on the other. I lookathimand I don'tunderstandhowit was possibletosleep with THIS)))Butas a person, I respectand do notregretthepast.Then there was falling in loveandlivingtogetherwith a man, he called for marriage. She left on her own,realizedthatlifetogether would notwork. I suffered for 2years.Passed. I wishthemallwellandhappiness.They're goodpeople, it just didn't work out. In short, everythingpassesandit will pass.But at first it breaksunreal. There is nohidingfromthoughtsandmemories,handsreachfor the phone,pridedisappearssomewhere... In short, notice. It's juststupid to wait.Who is a month old,who is 3years old.Ass,butthere's no way out.

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Colleague, you are great! 💋
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When I fell in love with him, I didn't notice anyone or anything around. I lived only by him. As I was in a dream, later he stopped loving me and left me. but I continued to love him. And so I suffered, he openly laughed at me, made fun of me. I was tormented by unrequited love. But after a few years, I got rid of this painful love. I saw clearly and realized what a jerk he was and not worth my love. The funny thing is that after 7 years he came to me.... But now I'm kneeling under his ass...........
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I also fell in love with a guy at the age of 18. I almost pined for him, there was no relationship, I just tried to be in the company where he happens to be, as if by chance I met him, walked along the streets where he usually walks. in general, it's a madhouse.

Gradually, after a year, everything passed. I met him later and kept thinking. Well, how could a beginner alcoholic have been grieving for him for so long, neither education nor mind. That's how lucky I was that our feelings weren't mutual.